What is Crystal Healing?


Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a sort of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy necessitates the application of crystals or gemstones to help to heal.

Gemstones hold spiritual and healing attributes that may be tapped into an assortment of ways. Crystals may be carried or worn on the individual.  They can also be placed in a location where their therapeutic vibrations may be felt by whosoever is nearby. Healers likewise place stones on their clients’ reclined bodies to equilibrate the chakras and aura.

How Does Crystal Healing Work?

Crystal healing is a sort of healing that utilizes crystals or gemstones. The crystals are primarily placed on particular areas of the body named “chakras.”

Chakra is a Hindu term implying spiritual energy. According to that teaching, there are 7 general energy centers in the body, every one featuring a color affiliated with it.

A few crystal healers lay the same color crystals as the color of the chakras on the individual to heighten the flow of energy. Crystals are stated to guide the flow of energy to the individual in a certain part of the body and bring in balance to an individual’s energy.

Ultimately, they’re utilized to clean the individual from foul or damaging energy believed to induce sickness. Driving out the defective spiritual energy eases the physical ailment. Crystals are utilized for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Not only do individuals visit “crystal healers”, in a few places, but professional nurses are also getting trained to utilize crystals for their patients. In addition, crystals may be worn, placed next to an individual’s bed as they sleep, and in a few cases placed around an individual’s bath.

The History of Crystal Healing

The conceiver of crystal healing is nameless. All the same, this practice has been around for hundreds of years. Individuals have utilized amulets, magical stones, and gems all through history (although primarily in the eastern cultures). It’s now making its way into the western culture, principally in the New Age and Occult causes.

Does Crystal Healing Work?

Crystal healers contend that it really works; all the same, there’s no concrete scientific evidence to establish that it really heals. Individuals state they’ve been healed and feel better, however, these cases are broadly limited to personal testimonies.

A lot of the scientific world has brushed these testimonials off as a placebo effect, selective thinking, aspirant thinking, sympathetic magic, or communal reinforcement.

Important Facts to Know about Crystal Healing

  • Crystal healers generally prefer clear quartz, because of its shape and color. All the same, as chakras have colors associated with every area, they might place the particular color crystal/gemstone on the same color chakras.
  • The crystals/gemstones are stated to have vibration frequencies that are shaped stimulated, interconnecting the earth and the person’s energy field. The crystal is utilized to expand, or realign, human ‘psychic’ or cosmic energy by guiding vibration energy.
  • To maintain the crystal, it’s laid in saltwater or covered with table salt. Sustaining the crystal helps keeps it clean from “environmental unbalance.” It’s stated that it likewise needs to be recharged and actuated through assorted methods.
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