weight loss

How to stay healthy and successfully lose weight

The introduction contains 15 minutes of music.  If you do not want to listen to the music then hit play and scroll over to 23:30 and that will bring you right to the interview.  Thank you for listening to the interview.  I hope you enjoy it and learn something from it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave it in the comment box.  I love hearing your thoughts.







Stacey Chillemi, Health & Lifestyle reporter, Author of  ‘The Complete Herbal Guide’ joins me along with Natalie Graves, founder of The 1 in 4 PROJECT and athletes mental health counseling specialist.

Guest Stacey Chillemi

Stacey Chillemi
Guest Website: http://thecompleteherbalguide.com

I am on a mission to transform the health of millions worldwide.  I am a popular and recognizable health and lifestyle reporter and expert, columnist and health host. Author of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing and Natural Remedies for Common Conditions, along with 20 other published books.  I am the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide and a recognized health and natural remedies expert, with over 20 years of practice as a Health Coach. I have been a guest on the Dr. Oz Show, local news, and numerous radio shows. My focus is on natural healing, herbal remedies, alternative methods, self-motivation, food for medicine, nutrition, fitness, natural beauty remedies and the power of positive thinking.



The Sports Doctor is in! Dr. Robert A Weil, Sports Podiatrist, specializes in orthotics that improve alignment, stability, balance & performance. Dr. Bob has treated many of the world’s premier athletes from all types of sports. He is the host of “The Sports Doctor™” Radio Show. The show is now featured on BBS Radio Network, UK Health Radio Network & Sports 4 Fanz Radio. Dr. Bob was formerly on HealthyLife Radio and was also on WDCB public radio in Chicago for over 20 years. He has written articles for many newspapers & magazines and is a frequent guest on other networks. And his new book, co-written with Sharkie Zartman, titled ‘#Hey Sports Parents! An Essential Guide for Any Parent with a Child in Sports’ – is now available on Amazon!

Join the Sports Doctor and his great guests for important topical information for injury-free exercise, wellness and sports performance for both adults and kids. Frequent topics include the role of the foot in sports, all aspects of sports medicine including, proper sports shoes, youth safety, health, wellness, and sports performance for both adults and children.



heal better fast

Learn how to fight seizures and memory loss with herbs . Listen to the podcast interview with Dr. Michael Pound & Stacey Chillemi.

live longer

Want To Feel Younger than Your Age?

At some point it hits you.

Usually in your thirties.

If you’re lucky, not until your forties.

You start to feel your age.

You can’t pull all-nighters anymore. More than a couple of drinks hits you like a freight train. You don’t bounce back as quickly from injury. You’d rather sit and watch than play in the game.

Is this what you’re stuck with?

Is life downhill from here?

Stacey Chillemi doesn’t think so. She’s the author of The Ultimate Guide to Living Longer and Feeling Younger. Stacey has been coaching people on how to get healthier for over two decades and sharing the resources she’s discovered on TheCompleteHerbalGuide.com, one of the largest natural health websites in the U.S.

In this YBTV interview, she talks to us about what we should be eating, how much we should be sleeping, and how we should be caring for our skin and hair.

The Complete Herbal Guide

What You’ll Learn

Stacey Chillemi doesn’t want you to spend a fortune on cosmetics.

You don’t need to cover up those wrinkles or dye away those gray hairs. Stop masking aging. Start treating it instead.

A few simple things make us age faster:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Poor sleep
  • Toxins
  • Stress

When you start eating better, sleeping better, detoxifying, and managing stress, you’ll start to feel (and look) SO much better.

So let’s start with the first element of aging…

Anti-Aging Nutrition

A lot of people don’t realize, but what we put in our bodies has a huge impact on how we feel and how we look. The different foods we eat affect our food, our energy, our bodies, a lot of different things we’re not aware of.”

Stacey isn’t a fan of the word “diet.”

“People don’t like to be told what to eat and what to do,” she says.

She encourages everyone to simply eat healthily. That means fruits, vegetables, fish for those omega 3s, the right proteins, and lots of greens.

Although you want to get the bulk of your nutrition through whole foods, supplements can be useful. For example, even though blueberries have antioxidants in them, you’d have to eat a lot of them in order to get the amount you need.

Stacey recommends vitamin D, as it’s hard to get enough vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D supplements work wonders for the skin. They keep skin moist and youthful, whereas dryness can cause lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin E is another great supplement for the skin. It can speed healing and treat eczema. Only take it once in a while, though. You don’t want to take too much.

She also recommends biotin and B vitamins for thicker, longer hair that doesn’t go gray as fast.

Sleep to Stay Young

“We’re always on the go-go-go. Most people don’t know how to relax,” Stacey says.

That carries over into nighttime, where we’re sleeping less and getting poorer quality sleep.

Making it worse, we produce less melatonin as we age, so it gets harder to fall asleep.

Not getting your full 8 hours means your body doesn’t have enough time to renew itself. You can find yourself waking up with bags under your lines and visible wrinkles. You may even find yourself getting sick more easily.

To get better quality sleep, try taking magnesium and potassium before bed. They’ll relax the body and make you feel sleepy.

You can also use lavender essential oil on your pillow or in a diffuser. Stacey enjoys a lavender Epsom salt bath before bed.

Other options include taking melatonin or a few drops of passionflower, also known as “the natural tranquilizer.”

Tackling Toxins

“If [you] can detoxify [your] body on a consistent level, you’ll see a difference in your energy; you’ll see a difference in your skin. You’ll see a difference in the way you feel overall. Your metabolism will increase. You might experience some weight loss,” Stacey says.

That’s why she recommends detoxifying every couple of months.

She recommends milk thistle, to help the digestive system, as well as turmeric and dandelion tea. You can also increase the fiber in your diet or try a whole-body cleanse.

The Aging Effects of Stress

“A lot of times you can age quicker just by the amount of stress that you have on your shoulders,” Stacey says. “So sometimes you have to figure out ways to decrease the stress in your life. It’s easy to say, but very hard to do.”

She suggests taking 15 minutes in the morning to meditate, do a little yoga, or practice relaxation techniques. Try to find ways to simplify your life.

Attitude really is everything. Your mind can make you feel your age—or half your age. Stacey concludes:

Positive thinking is the key to feeling great and feeling younger.”

Jump to Topics of Interest

2:06 How aging hits us and why cosmetics isn’t the answer
2:54 Importance of diet and nutrition
3:46 How to eat healthily
5:20 Ways to reduce stress
7:12 Food is the foundation
8:23 Why you should detox
9:24 Different ways to detox
10:23 Anti-aging skin and haircare
12:44 Importance of sleep
13:55 Ways to sleep better
15:25 Surprising anti-aging tips
16:32 Stacey’s work at The Complete Herbal Guide
17:29 Aging is an attitude

Click to watch Stacey Chillemi on The Dr. Oz Show. Dr. Oz features Stacey Chillemi in a segment titled: “60 Second Life Hacks.”


Stacey has been coaching people on how to get healthier for over two decades. She’s a prolific author, with 20 books under her name, including The Ultimate Guide to Living Longer and Feeling Younger. She’s the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide, one of the largest natural health websites in the U.S.

In this video, you’ll learn how to improve your emotional health as well as your physical health with Stacey Chillemi and Robin Stoloff.


Written by the Healthline Wellness Team

For our Most Loved Health Blogs contest, readers voted for the health bloggers who inspire them to live stronger, healthier lives — and the results are in!

Stacey Chillemi of The Complete Herbal Guide came in second place and wins a prize of $500 to help forward her mission of inspiring others to take a holistic approach to health. Read on to learn more about her!
Back in 2011, Stacey Chillemi experienced what she refers to as a spiritual awakening, and set about reshaping the way she looks at health. Working with an herbalist, she began to take a holistic approach to wellness as well as managing her epilepsy — incorporating yoga, meditation, positive thinking, and an improved diet and lifestyle.Now a published author of more than 20 books, she has appeared as a wellness expert on shows like “The Dr. Oz Show” and attracted an enormous following as the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide. Attracting millions of readers each month, the site is a repository of information on nutrition, holistic wellness, and information on supplements and vitamins.We caught up with Stacey to learn more about her mission and what she loves most about sharing her story.

Q&A with Stacey Chillemi

What would you say is the mission of your website?

The Complete Guide to Natural Healing believes that food, vitamins, supplements, and alternative medicine can be your best medicine. This website will show you the truth about health and wellness, so you can help your family and closest friends get even healthier. You’ll learn exactly what you should do and how to eat to get healthy, exercise to get your leanest, healthiest body, and how to take control of your family’s health using natural remedies as medicine.

What made you want to start sharing your healing journey?

When I saw the traumatic change in my life — all from changing my thoughts and lifestyle — I thought to myself that if I could improve my physical and mental health by making simple lifestyle changes, can you imagine how many millions of people I could help if I was able to share my story and teach others the tools, techniques, and strategies I used to improve my epilepsy and overall, physical and mental health? The lifestyle changes I made can apply to all conditions and illnesses.

Many people reached out to help me when I was struggling with my epilepsy. It was now my duty as a good human being to use my knowledge, health experience, speaking, and writing skills to help others so they can live happy, healthy, and productive lives, too. Everyone deserves to be healthy and happy.

When did you first notice that your posts were really resonating with readers?

It was when I wrote an article teaching others how to cope with illness. I’ll never forget it. I received an email from a woman who told me that she was planning to die by suicide, then she came across my article on how to cope with illness. She said that she applied my tips and followed the regimen I created. Her life turned around.

Not only was she feeling better, physically and mentally, she realized that she had a purpose in life and for the first time she felt positive and motivated to live life to its fullest. It was then that I realized how powerful the words of wisdom could be, and how they could create such a huge impact in someone’s life. It was then that I realized my true purpose in life. I also realized that I was making a difference in other people’s lives and to me, that is the best accomplishment anyone could ever achieve.

On your blog, you’ve said that you’re grateful for having grown up with epilepsy and other life challenges. How did you come to reach this perspective?

Having epilepsy and going through traumatic life-changing obstacles, helped me see life from a different perspective. I can truly say that I don’t think I would have been as compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others if I didn’t go through all the things I did in life. Of course, I wouldn’t want to go through everything I went through again, but it was all the obstacles I endured in life that taught me to live with an open heart filled with love.

I don’t judge and there are no walls barricading my heart. I see no faults in others and I feel for others as they face their own daily battles. How can you criticize others’ imperfections when we carry just as many imperfections ourselves? As soon as you are willing to let go of the ways of the world and create your own path and purpose, you will experience a life filled with health, happiness, and prosperity the way you never felt it before. It has always been my dream and passion to help others get to this point in their lives.

What’s one of your favorite posts on The Complete Herbal Guide, and why?

I may sound a little biased, but my most favorite post is the one I wrote called, Why I Do What I Do — How I Found My Purpose in Life. It’s about my amazing journey in life from childhood until the present. Every time I read it, tears come to my eyes as I am reminded of everything I’ve been through and how I have come so far in life. It re-instills hope into my heart and reminds me why I started this all. I want to show others that if I can do it, so can you.

If there was one thing you would change about the way the world approaches wellness, what would it be?

I would like to see the world become super conscious of the foods they eat and the products they use. So many things claim to be healthy but aren’t. People need to become aware of the ingredients that are in the foods they’re eating. Many of the ingredients in the foods we eat can cause damage to our body and mental health. Even some of the beauty products we use can alter our hormones. I also feel that people don’t realize how important it is to develop healthy sleeping habits and to manage stress. It’s time that people took a moment to view their daily lifestyle and find ways to incorporate simple lifestyle changes that could have a huge impact on their health.

Also, it’s not all about looking like a supermodel, either. True wellness is when you feel good physically and mentally and you are happy at the stage you are in life. If you’re healthy and you can look in a mirror and say, “I feel good and I love myself” — that to me is true wellness.

Follow Stacey’s journey and learn about holistic wellness on The Complete Herbal Guide. You can also connect with Stacey and her team on Twitter and Facebook.

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