loudmouth dean

Stacey Chillemi was interviewed by LOUDMOUTH DEAN FROM WLOU RADIO.


Enjoy the great interview and don’t forget to share your thoughts, comments, and questions.


panic attack

In this article, you’ll learn and discover everything you need to know about panic attacks in order to stop them.

It’s one thing trying to improve your ability to control your own stress response so that you can combat anxiety and improve your health. But it’s quite another when you experience serious panic attacks that leave you crippled and that prevent you from engaging in normal activities.

But in fact, the tools you will use to achieve both ends are similar. The difference is just that panic attacks might require a more intense and more focused approach.

And in either case, understanding the biology behind the experience can be a fantastic tool to help you take control more effectively.

Let’s look at what panic attacks are and how you can take them on head-to-head.

The Basics of Panic Attacks

When you experience any kind of stress, it’s because your sympathetic nervous system is releasing specific hormones and neurotransmitters into your system. Specifically, these are:

  • Adrenaline (epinephrine)
  • Noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
  • Cortisol
  • Testosterone
  • Estrogen
  • Dopamine
  • Serotonin

When these occur together, your experience of pain is dulled, you become more attuned to your senses, your thoughts are focused, and your strength increases as your muscles contract. Your heart rate accelerates significantly and more blood and oxygen are sent to your muscles.

But the thing is that this increases your overall strength your reflexes and your ability to fight or run. This is a useful response in the right context.

The problem is when you misinterpret these signals and cause a panic attack. What happens, in this case, is that you notice yourself getting anxious and you become worried that this is going to cause you embarrassment or make you faint (perhaps because you have previous experience with panic attacks). You begin to hyperventilate and this combined with the elevated heart rate causes chest pain. And some people mistake that chest pain for the signs of a heart attack.

All this makes you more anxious and that in turn means you ramp up the response even more. Your heart rate increases more, you get more anxious, and eventually, you might even start to get dizzy from all that oxygen.

The Solution

The solution then is to recognize that you’re having a panic attack but not to give it any power over you. And the way you do this is to try and detach yourself from it and essentially continue to go about your normal business. Of course, this is easier said than done but as soon as you stop letting it control you and as soon as you aren’t afraid of panic attacks, you’ll find they end a lot more quickly, and eventually they can stop happening entirely.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help with this, as can using the technique known as AWARE which is simply a set of steps to remove yourself from the experience and avoid being afraid of the stress.

Most people will have a panic attack at some point in their lives but if you can understand what is happening and control your emotions you’ll find it can disappear as quickly as it arrived.



Stacey Chillemi is a lifestyle reporter and expert, columnist and health host. Author of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing and Natural Remedies for Common Conditions, along with 20 other published books she is the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide and a recognized health and natural remedies expert, with over 20 years in practice as a Health Coach.

She writes for the Huffington Post, Huff Post, Thrive Global and Medium (Owned by Arianna Huffington) and has been a guest on the Dr. Oz Show, local news, and numerous radio shows. Her focus is on natural healing, herbal remedies, alternative methods, self-motivation, food for medicine, nutrition, fitness, natural beauty remedies and the power of positive thinking.

Connect with Michaela



Subscribe to my channel for more natural health remedies and videos about health, healing & well-being! https://www.youtube.com/user/staceychil?sub_confirmation=1

A Journey To Wellness – Interview with Stacey Chillemi

In Episode 38 of Let’s Talk Wellness Now, Dr. Deb invites Stacey Chillemi, Health Expert and the author of The Complete Herbal Guide, onto the podcast for an amazing conversation about health, wellness and healing. Stacey shares her personal health journey, including dealing with epilepsy, what she’s learned along the way and what generates her passion to create resources for others.

There’s so much on the internet alone, there’s so much information – but it’s like, where do you get the right information? And who do you trust? And is the information they’re reading, is it accurate?

You really have to be really conscious of what you read, and not just go by one thing. But I always say, do your research, be your own doctor. Dr. Deb & Stacey discuss a myriad of health and wellness topics including diet, nutrition, herbs, sleep health, positivity, the spiritual component of healing and the power of words.

Stacey details the importance of supplements, and why it’s critical to know the origin and history of your supplements. Ya know, it’s so important with the soil. People don’t realize, but different areas have different soil…

I think it was GNC, they were getting a lot of there supplements from China, and then China had contaminated soil. So then, there was a big issue and big concerns that arose in the United States about that… you have to really realize where these supplements you’re buying – where are they coming from.

And I always say in the ingredients, if you see ingredients in the back of a supplement and you can’t pronounce it – then it’s probably not good for you.


Hair loss doesn’t just happen to men. There’s a common misconception about hair loss being only something that affects males. But female hair loss is a real thing and it doesn’t just affect women going through menopause.

Women experiencing hair thinning can be an emotional time, especially in their 20’s and 30’s. In women, hair loss manifests as a decreased volume in the middle of the scalp, thinning overall or as a widening part.

Are you prepared to prevent it? And, if you are a man or woman already experiencing it, do you know how to reverse it? Watch this video to have all of your questions answered as to why men and women lose hair and the best way to prevent and reverse it.

Then head over to Hair Loss DHT Shampoo at http://bit.ly/32qMMjX to learn even more about how to tackle this stressful condition that millions of people experience.

book review

I do believe that our ability to speak is a gift from God…it has the power to inspire or destroy.  The power of speech can fill our souls with faith, courage, wisdom, strength, and hope.  It causes us and the people around us to be well, hopeful, energetic and to cause laughter.  Our ability to speak brings happiness to others when the right words are spoken.

The simplest situations in life can make the biggest impact on our lives 

An ounce of gratitude can go a long way, and the stories which evolve from our humbleness that we choose to share with others can not only bring happiness but inspire others to live a life they always hoped and dreamed of living.

“Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You,” is an empowering, inspirational, and motivational read. Kristin S. Kaufman’s book, ” Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You,” provides readers with insights to better understand that everyone has the ability to teach others.  We are an example for each other.

In the author’s note

Kaufman says we do not get to choose much of what life hurls our way, yet we have a choice of how we respond. That our greatest insights happen when we live life in the present moment, and that we all are a part of integral and collective experience.

Kaufman explains how life’s most critical, life-changing lessons come from heartbreaking, toxic, and unimaginable experiences.

Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You is an eye-opener

In her book, “Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You,” Kaufman provides the reader with great insight that helps us see life from a completely different perspective.

Her insight can help heal the soul and help someone to reconstruct a life that is productive; a life that will not only bring happiness to your own life but to the lives of those around you.  This book provides productive stepping stones for future generations to follow.

The powerful insight in her book will impact your life forever. 

“Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You,” was a true eye-opener for me. In chapter 1, Kristin Kaufman opens up with a touching quote that says, “Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.”

This quote makes you stop and think.  As a parent, we are always trying to teach our children right and wrong, yet how much do they really retain.  It’s the character of the person that they absorb.

Characteristics such as honesty, loving, giving, improving people’s lives, and the ability to be hard-working.  These are some of the qualities that stick, and if you demonstrate negative traits in front of your children, there is a very good chance you will pass those negative traits to them.

She opens her world and lets you in  

Warm and engaging, Kaufman’s narrative writing style invites you inside her world by sharing touching moments from her own life journey. They include heartwarming stories with old friends and special moments with her father.  She also shares with readers how life was not always a bowl of cherries, how her amazing journey has taught her gratitude, and how to productively live life in the present moment.

In “Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You,” Kristin S. Kaufman helps you understand through her knowledgeable words of wisdom how the link between the most simplistic moments in life have the biggest impact in our lives, causing us to see life from a new perspective and giving us the blessing of speech, so we can verbally share these stores with others by inspiring them to journey down a new road that may bring them happiness. A journey that they never thought was possible to feel.

Her book, “Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You,” helps inspire, motivate, and teach you how to better your life.  Her stories help you realize when we encounter hardships in life, we shouldn’t drown in our sorrows, that we need to live in the moment, learn from the challenges we face, and use those life experiences to help others. She teaches you how to take a moment to reflect back on your life in order to understand who you are and how you became who you are; further teaching you how to become the person you always dreamed of being.

Unique insight from amazing stories that will capture your heart

Her teachings in the book give the reader a clear understanding to not get lost in life’s materialistic world, and that we need to focus on the present, and be thankful for blessings around us.  Everything happens for a reason and sometimes the simplest things in life can be the most joyful and most meaningful.  Kaufman provides excellent guidance in her stupendous book, “Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You.”

Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You,” is packed with admirable advice, tools, techniques, and strategies which teach readers how to improve their life mentally and spiritually.  This book gives the reader the ability to take control of their lives, so they can experience happiness and live a healthy and productive life.

Brilliant insight

In her book “Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You,” she offers sound advice and brilliant insight on how to transform your life, bestowing the reader with a wide range of tools featured at the back of the book which is easy to incorporate into your life, so you are able to harness its incredible power of healing to achieve an optimal, happy, healthy, and productive life.

Throughout the book, Kristin Kaufman provides a vast array of techniques that help you acknowledge the vital importance of enjoying the simple things in life, explaining when your values are clear, the decisions in your life become a lot easier and you slowly begin to understand who you are as a person.

You cannot buy happiness

One important factor I acquired from reading this amazing book which is full of inspiring and meaningful stories, is that if you want to feel rich in life, think of all the things you cannot buy.

You’re never too old

The teachings in this book help you understand that you are never too old to make your dreams a reality.  One of the stories in her book found in chapter 11 called, “One More Race” opened my eyes and made me realize the value of life, and how the smallest things in life could be meaningful and bring so much happiness to someone whose life had become very limited.

I can go on and on but the only way you’ll be able to experience the wonders of this book is by reading it yourself.

The trick is how do we change our life? Where do you begin?  Kaufman teaches you in her book how to turn your life around with simple tips, tools, strategies, and techniques that are easy to incorporate into your life, and very self-rewarding.


Transformation can be your reality

She shows you how to transform your life as you read this astonishing life-changing book.

Her stories helped me realize that WE may not control our lives, but we control how we respond to the situation and we can make use of what we learned to help others.  We are all examples of the world around us. Our life stories can inspire and help others.

In addition, through reading this book I realize no matter what age you are, you can transform your life. A life filled with happiness, a passion for life, and strong mental health.

I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in improving their life or just someone that wants to be touched by beautiful stores that carry meaningful purpose.

Kaufman’s book is excitingly packed with outstanding advice, tools, and techniques and I find “Is This Seat Taken? No, I Saved It for You” a rewarding, motivating, inspiring, and enjoyable read.

Book Information

Author: Kristin Kaufman

Website: www.kristinkaufman.com

Also available as a Hardcover, Ebook, kindle, ISBN-13: 978-1626346680, $22.95 184 pages

Where to Buy: https://squareup.com/market/kristin-kaufman

Subscribe to my channel for more natural health remedies and videos about health, healing & well-being! https://www.youtube.com/user/staceych…


A diagnosis of epilepsy presents new challenges for parents and children in their attempt to adjust to the diagnosis and develop coping strategies that will help them live with the condition. This video will provide you with many helpful tools, techniques and coping strategies to help you with the many obstacles that you will face.

Visit my epilepsy website for information on epilepsy at https://curingepilepsy.com/


Stacey Chillemi discusses hair loss issues and potential solutions. Stacey offers tips for drying your hair and ways to make your hair thick, smooth and vibrant looking. Also, ways to regrow your hair after experiencing hair loss. In women, hair loss manifests as a decreased volume in the middle of the scalp, thinning overall or as a widening part.

Are you prepared to prevent it? And, if you are a man or woman already experiencing it, do you know how to reverse it? Watch this video to have all of your questions answered as you learn about common hair loss problems, treatments, and solutions.

Then head over to Hair Loss DHT Shampoo at http://bit.ly/32qMMjX to learn even more about how to tackle this stressful condition that millions of people experience.

Subscribe to my channel for more natural health remedies and videos about health, healing & well-being! https://www.youtube.com/user/staceych…


Dr. Mara Karpel: What inspired you to write your book?

Stacey Chillemi:   The reason I wrote this book was to help others realize that many conditions can be healed through herbal treatments, the nutrients and vitamins we obtain through the food we consume and alternative medicine (meditation, yoga, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, etc…)

Dr. Mara Karpel: How did you come up with the title?

StaceyChillemi There are two important aspects to the title.  “The Complete Guide to Natural Healing: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body and Maintaining Optimal Health Using Herbal Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals, Fruits, Vegetables and Alternative Medicine” reflects our goal to encourage individuals to take a proactive approach to deal with the health issues they encounter in their lives.

The Complete Guide to Natural Healing: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body and Maintaining Optimal Health Using Herbal Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals, Fruits, Vegetables and Alternative Medicine provides the tools that empower people to address and resolve their health issues in a natural and healthier way rather than running to the doctor or store for prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

Secondly, the book encourages readers to consider “A Drug-Free Approach to Living a Happy, Healthy Life”; the second purpose of this book is to remind the reader that medication is never a primary intervention.

The research consistently reveals the importance of developing healthier, more natural options, coping skills, adapting this lifestyle into their life and applying it to different situations in their own life.

Dr. Mara Karpel: Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?

Stacey Chillemi:   There are several messages we hope our readers acquire from reading the book.  First, everyone has health issues both mental and physical that they must endure at some point in their life.  This book teaches the reader how they can improve their health by simply using natural products from the earth.  Second, health conditions can be treated but you have to take an active role in resolving your condition.

Dr. Mara Karpel: Do you have any advice for people suffering from anxiety?

Stacey Chillemi:   Snap out of it!  Using meditation and massage therapy is an excellent way to improve anxiety.  Avoid trying to avoid worrying about the future.  Don’t worry about events that you have not yet encountered.  The past is over, focus on the present (take one day at a time) set long term and short term goals but realize that life constantly changes and so will your goals, but giving yourself expectations will help you focus on productive accomplishments that will boost your self-esteem and this mentality will help reduce your anxiety.  Rome wasn’t built in a day so don’t get anxious if you’re unable to achieve everything you have your heart set on.

Dr. Mara Karpel: What are the benefits of meditation?

Stacey Chillemi:   Meditation is recognized as providing broad-based benefit for numerous health conditions; from stress and anxiety to depression, addictions, immune system function, blood pressure, hormonal balance – and there’s much more. In the workforce, meditation is has been used to help people develop or improve efficiency, intuition, creativity, social skills, plus decreased stress-related conditions. Meditation helps one become deeply in tune with their inner life and spiritual nature. They awaken to the reality of their soul. This helps bring peace, calm, joy, love, wisdom, power into your life.

Dr. Mara Karpel: Do you feel medical marijuana can benefit many medical conditions better than the drugs they are currently offering?  Why?

Stacey Chillemi: There are many cases throughout the medical field where marijuana proves to be a helpful addition to healthcare plans that people already have in place. Marijuana is not a cure-all to replace all other medicines, but for many people with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, THC, and other cannabinoids have helped with their reliance on narcotics and chemotherapy drugs. This greatly improves their quality of life.

Dr. Mara Karpel: Medical marijuana has been helping thousands of people with cancer and epilepsy.  Have you heard some similar statements that you would like to expand on to educate the public about this topic?

Stacey Chillemi:   Some of the possible negative side effects of chemotherapy are great discomfort, nausea, and the inability to eat. Marijuana has been proven to help with these patients’ appetite and has been used to replace chemotherapy drugs. THC also has been proven to shrink tumors in brain cancer patients. Marijuana also has anticonvulsant effects, which have been used to treat epilepsy dating back to ancient Africa, Greece, and Rome. Strains high in CBD are used to treat epilepsy and many of these strains have now been bred specifically for high CBD characteristics.

Dr. Mara Karpel: What is one way you can improve your health naturally?

Stacey Chillemi:   For optimum health, aim for at least two servings of fruits and three servings of veggies per day. Fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals with low caloric content. They also contain notable amounts of dietary fiber. Fiber prolongs the feeling of fullness after meals and helps you eat less. Men need between 28 and 34 grams of dietary fiber daily and women between 22 and 28 grams. If buying fresh fruits and vegetables is too expensive, opt for frozen varieties. Frozen fruits and vegetables last longer and are typically less expensive.

Dr. Mara Karpel: How important is it to incorporate protein into your diet?

Stacey Chillemi:   Protein is a crucial part of any healthful diet; it facilitates proper muscle development and growth. Lean protein is low in fats and cholesterol, helping you to stay within your daily limits. Skinless poultry and fish or lean cuts of pork and red meat are ideal. Tenderloin is a tasty, lean cut of pork and top round is a healthful choice for lean red meat. MayoClinic.com does not recommend exceeding 3-ounce helpings of meat. Dairy products, soy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds provide sources of protein if you do not eat meat. Whole grains are another necessary element for improving your health. They are high in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. When eaten regularly, whole grains lower your blood cholesterol levels and might reduce your chance of cardiovascular disease. Brown rice, oatmeal, whole-wheat flour, bulgur, and whole cornmeal are examples of whole grains to add to your healthful diet.

Dr. Mara Karpel: What’s can a person do if they have trouble sleeping at night?

Stacey Chillemi:

Valerian root has a long history of use as a mild sedative. Taken as a supplement, valerian reduces the amount of time to slip into a deep sleep. Valerian with hops also has some clinically proven results for sleeplessness, according to a 2005 study reported in the journal Sleep.   Several clinical studies suggest that valerian alone is not effective in the long-term for insomnia. I would say that, in general, any difficulty sleeping that lasts over two weeks may require more medical assistance than any herb can provide.

Lemon balm, or Melissa officinalis, has been used as a relaxant since the Middle Ages in European folk medicine. It has a clean, refreshing citrus smell so you can take it in a tea or as a supplement.  Add it to your dream pillow, while you’re at it.   The effects of lemon balm are more than wishful thinking/placebo. A 2003 study in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology found that lemon balm indirectly encourages sleep by improving mood and inducing mental calmness. Lemon balm can be called a nootropic, or a brain-enhancing supplement, as it can improve cognitive performance too.

Passionflower –  Most European herbal sleep remedies contain passionflower, or Passiflora incarnata, even though the plant comes from the tropical regions of the Americas, where it was widely used by the Aztecs, according to journals from 16th-century conquistadors.   The leaves and flowers have a mild flavor and have a reputation for reducing anxiety and sleeplessness caused by anxiety.   While few peer-reviewed studies have been funded for passionflower, it is actually listed as an herbal tranquilizer in Germany. According to the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, the active ingredients may be harmaline and harmine, so does not use passionflower if you take MAOI antidepressants, as sedative effects may be amplified.

Chamomile may be the most recognized sleep aid, but actually many clinical studies have shown no effects of the herb for those suffering from chronic insomnia. Is chamomile a placebo due to its yummy scent?  I don’t think so. Chamomile may indirectly promote sleep by increasing mental calmness.   A recent study by University of Pennsylvania researchers found that chamomile significantly reduces the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. This double-blind study even pitted the active ingredient against a placebo pill that smelled like chamomile.

Melatonin is a natural hormone made by your body’s pineal gland. This is a pea-sized gland located just above the middle of the brain. During the day the pineal is inactive. When the sun goes down and darkness occurs, the pineal is “turned on” by the SCN and begins to actively produce melatonin, which is released into the blood. Usually, this occurs at around 9 pm. As a result, melatonin levels in the blood rise sharply and you begin to feel less alert. Sleep becomes more inviting. Melatonin levels in the blood stay elevated for about 12 hours – all through the night – before the light of a new day when they fall back to low daytime levels by about 9 am. Daytime levels of melatonin are barely detectable.   Melatonin is an excellent herbal to use.  Our body produces melatonin and this is what helps us to fall asleep at night.  However, as we age the production of melatonin decreases in our body and this is why many individuals suffer from insomnia.  You can buy melatonin in stores.

Dr. Mara Karpel: What are your current projects?

Stacey Chillemi:   I just published my new edition The Complete Guide to Natural Healing: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body and Maintaining Optimal Health Using Herbal Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals, Fruits, Vegetables, and Alternative Medicine and I also published a book for adults and children to read together called Learning to Be Kind: Over 300 Ways to Be Kind & Show Appreciation.  Kindness is a good habit that has a lasting effect that supports and reinforces the quest for the good life. Helping others bestows a sense of satisfaction that has two beneficiaries—the beneficiary, the receiver of the help, and the one who provides the help. Over time, people who do good deeds develop a friendly and joyful personality that attracts and magnetizes those they associate with and brings kindness their way.   In this book are lists of ways you, your children, loved ones, friends, and family can demonstrate an act of kindness. If you can take time, each day to demonstrate an act of kindness listed in this book and everyone did the same, just think how much better the world we live in could become.

Dr. Mara Karpel: Do you have a website people can visit?


The Complete Herbal Guidethecompleteherbalguide.com

Stacey Chillemi: Where can people find your book?   Barnes & Noble, Amazon and a bookstore near you.

You can also go to my publisher’s site at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/staceychil

About Dr. Karpel

Stacey Chillemi on Epilepsy

Dr. Mara Karpel is a licensed psychologist with over 25 years of experience working with adults of all ages who desire to reach their full potential, no matter their age or health condition. In addition, Dr. Karpel has a specialty of working with older adults and with caregivers.

  • Received doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Syracuse University – 1992.
  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Texas and New York.
  • Co-authored publication based on original research study: Karpel, M. E., Hoyer, W. J., & Toglia, M. P. (2001). “Accuracy and Qualities of Real and Suggested Memories: Nonspecific Age Differences,” The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.
  • Since January 2014, host of the radio show, Dr. Mara Karpel & Your Golden Years, on BlogTalkRadio.com, Sunday’s at 5 pm CT/6 pm ET.
  • Previously, hosted a similar weekly radio show on Austin’s Talk Radio 1370 for two years.
  • Previously, wrote a weekly column that appeared in a Texas newspaper for over 2 years, as well as in Vallarta Today, a weekly newspaper for the expatriate retirement community in Puerto Vallarta, MX.
  • Has given lectures around Texas, in Florida, and in Puerto Vallarta, MX.

Sarah and Tate interview Stacey Chillemi, holistic expert, author, writer, health & healing speaker, dedicated yogi, holistic wellness enthusiast, and Herbal Guide lifestylist. As always, if you enjoyed the show, follow us and subscribe to the show: you can find us on iTunes or on any app that carries podcasts as well as on YouTube.

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Subscribe to my channel for more natural health remedies and videos about health, healing & well-being!

https://www.youtube.com/user/staceych… _

I am a popular and recognizable health and lifestyle reporter and expert, columnist and health host. Author of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing and Natural Remedies for Common Conditions, along with 20 other published books. I am the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide and a recognized health and natural remedies expert, with over 20 years in practice as a Health Coach. My focus is on natural healing, alternative methods, natural beauty remedies, food for medicine, nutrition, fitness, self-motivation and the power of positive thinking. Visit the blog: https://bit.ly/2Elx4gR


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