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Want To Feel Younger than Your Age?

At some point it hits you.

Usually in your thirties.

If you’re lucky, not until your forties.

You start to feel your age.

You can’t pull all-nighters anymore. More than a couple of drinks hits you like a freight train. You don’t bounce back as quickly from injury. You’d rather sit and watch than play in the game.

Is this what you’re stuck with?

Is life downhill from here?

Stacey Chillemi doesn’t think so. She’s the author of The Ultimate Guide to Living Longer and Feeling Younger. Stacey has been coaching people on how to get healthier for over two decades and sharing the resources she’s discovered on TheCompleteHerbalGuide.com, one of the largest natural health websites in the U.S.

In this YBTV interview, she talks to us about what we should be eating, how much we should be sleeping, and how we should be caring for our skin and hair.

The Complete Herbal Guide

What You’ll Learn

Stacey Chillemi doesn’t want you to spend a fortune on cosmetics.

You don’t need to cover up those wrinkles or dye away those gray hairs. Stop masking aging. Start treating it instead.

A few simple things make us age faster:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Poor sleep
  • Toxins
  • Stress

When you start eating better, sleeping better, detoxifying, and managing stress, you’ll start to feel (and look) SO much better.

So let’s start with the first element of aging…

Anti-Aging Nutrition

A lot of people don’t realize, but what we put in our bodies has a huge impact on how we feel and how we look. The different foods we eat affect our food, our energy, our bodies, a lot of different things we’re not aware of.”

Stacey isn’t a fan of the word “diet.”

“People don’t like to be told what to eat and what to do,” she says.

She encourages everyone to simply eat healthily. That means fruits, vegetables, fish for those omega 3s, the right proteins, and lots of greens.

Although you want to get the bulk of your nutrition through whole foods, supplements can be useful. For example, even though blueberries have antioxidants in them, you’d have to eat a lot of them in order to get the amount you need.

Stacey recommends vitamin D, as it’s hard to get enough vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D supplements work wonders for the skin. They keep skin moist and youthful, whereas dryness can cause lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin E is another great supplement for the skin. It can speed healing and treat eczema. Only take it once in a while, though. You don’t want to take too much.

She also recommends biotin and B vitamins for thicker, longer hair that doesn’t go gray as fast.

Sleep to Stay Young

“We’re always on the go-go-go. Most people don’t know how to relax,” Stacey says.

That carries over into nighttime, where we’re sleeping less and getting poorer quality sleep.

Making it worse, we produce less melatonin as we age, so it gets harder to fall asleep.

Not getting your full 8 hours means your body doesn’t have enough time to renew itself. You can find yourself waking up with bags under your lines and visible wrinkles. You may even find yourself getting sick more easily.

To get better quality sleep, try taking magnesium and potassium before bed. They’ll relax the body and make you feel sleepy.

You can also use lavender essential oil on your pillow or in a diffuser. Stacey enjoys a lavender Epsom salt bath before bed.

Other options include taking melatonin or a few drops of passionflower, also known as “the natural tranquilizer.”

Tackling Toxins

“If [you] can detoxify [your] body on a consistent level, you’ll see a difference in your energy; you’ll see a difference in your skin. You’ll see a difference in the way you feel overall. Your metabolism will increase. You might experience some weight loss,” Stacey says.

That’s why she recommends detoxifying every couple of months.

She recommends milk thistle, to help the digestive system, as well as turmeric and dandelion tea. You can also increase the fiber in your diet or try a whole-body cleanse.

The Aging Effects of Stress

“A lot of times you can age quicker just by the amount of stress that you have on your shoulders,” Stacey says. “So sometimes you have to figure out ways to decrease the stress in your life. It’s easy to say, but very hard to do.”

She suggests taking 15 minutes in the morning to meditate, do a little yoga, or practice relaxation techniques. Try to find ways to simplify your life.

Attitude really is everything. Your mind can make you feel your age—or half your age. Stacey concludes:

Positive thinking is the key to feeling great and feeling younger.”

Jump to Topics of Interest

2:06 How aging hits us and why cosmetics isn’t the answer
2:54 Importance of diet and nutrition
3:46 How to eat healthily
5:20 Ways to reduce stress
7:12 Food is the foundation
8:23 Why you should detox
9:24 Different ways to detox
10:23 Anti-aging skin and haircare
12:44 Importance of sleep
13:55 Ways to sleep better
15:25 Surprising anti-aging tips
16:32 Stacey’s work at The Complete Herbal Guide
17:29 Aging is an attitude

Click to watch Stacey Chillemi on The Dr. Oz Show. Dr. Oz features Stacey Chillemi in a segment titled: “60 Second Life Hacks.”


Stacey has been coaching people on how to get healthier for over two decades. She’s a prolific author, with 20 books under her name, including The Ultimate Guide to Living Longer and Feeling Younger. She’s the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide, one of the largest natural health websites in the U.S.

EFX Sports with Stacey Chillemi

Dr. Jeff Golini and Brian Andrews speak with Stacey Chillemi. She is an expert in all things Herbal and shared how even the simplest compounds from nature can supercharge your life, health, and performance.

About Stacey Chillemi

Stacey Chillemi is a popular and recognizable health and lifestyle reporter and expert, columnist, and health host. Author of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body and Maintaining Optimal Health Using Herbal Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals, Fruits, Vegetables and Alternative Medicine and Natural Remedies for Common Conditions: How to Prevent, Heal and Maintain Optimum Health Using Alternative Medicine, Herbals, Vitamins, and Food, along with 20 other published books.

Stacey is the founder of  The Complete Herbal Guide (thecompleteherbleguide.com), which currently has over 300,000 monthly visitors. Stacey has been a guest on numerous lifestyle and health-related TV and radio programs, and is a recognized health and natural remedies expert, with over 20 years in practice as a Health Coach. Chillemi has been a guest on the Dr. Oz Show, local news, and numerous radio shows.

Dr. Jeff Golini Ph.D.

Jeff Golini is the owner of All American Pharmaceuticals and EFX Sports. He is a former competitive bodybuilder based in Venice Beach, but he’s also been in the supplement industry as a formulator, patent creator, and manufacturer since the 80s.

He has a Ph.D. and lives in Montana where he owns and runs a supplement factory. Jeff’s most famous for coming up with the idea of adding acid buffering ingredients to creatine monohydrate to help ease the damage the stomach acids have on the creatine you consume.

This novel idea has created a massive following of buffered creatine users all over the world!

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